Chile Health

Chile Pepper Healthy Fruit

We've always felt like our chile gives us that extra bounce in our we share a few websites that refer to chile's role in our diet and health. We provide this information as a simple means of helping you find a little bit more about the potential health benefits. Naturally, we are only sharing, not endorsing any of the information contained in these links. Enjoy!

Peppers: Natural Weight-Loss Foods.

Clear your sinuses with Capsaicin from hot peppers!

Chile peppers aren’t just a source of culinary pizzazz—they’re also low-calorie and loaded with healing vitamins and antioxidants. Click here to read the article.

Chile Fights Cancer

Chili peppers and jalapenos contain a chemical, capsaicin, which may neutralize certain cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) and may help prevent cancers such as stomach cancer. Click here for more info.

American Cancer Institute Research has another interesting study/article on the cancer killing properties of chile. Click here for more info.